tl;dr While the TLS servers attacks has been pretty much studied and fixed (see e.g. and ) the situation with the TLS clients is (was) not ideal and can be improved. Here I report a Small subgroup attack for TLS clients that I performed against various browsers and reported. Whoever reads this blog is used to read about OAuth . For once (and maybe more in the future) let's hijack the usual topic and let's talk about my new "passion" : TLS in particular Diffie–Hellman (DH from now on). Now, before to start I need to clarify one thing IANAC (I am not a cryptographer) so I might likely end up writing a bunch of mistakes in this blog post... Diffie-Hellman is used in SSL/TLS, as "ephemeral Diffie-Hellman" (EDH) and it is probably going to be kill soonish (or at least is the intent of Google Chrome ). FWIW I personally agree with this unless EDH implements the Negotiated Finite Field specification ...